Canon MailCom Malaysia Sdn. Bhd. (CMCM) is committed to conducting business with honesty and integrity, free from misconduct. Misconduct can include any illegal or unethical activity, fraud, bribery or corruption, or breaches of our policies and procedures.
CMCM encourages open communication and endeavours to create an environment where all persons feel secure when raising concerns. Our confidential whistleblowing line, (please key in “Canon” under “organization name”), is open to all persons to raise good faith concerns of any actual, suspected or attempted misconduct in CMCM. Ethicspoint can only be accessed by authorized personnel, and has in-built controls to ensure that the person alleged to have committed the misconduct does not have knowledge of or access to the report.
Reports received shall be adequately addressed and investigated to the extent possible with the information at hand. CMCM will accept anonymous reports but encourages whistleblowers to include their names in any report as requests for further information and a thorough investigation may not be possible unless the source of the information is identified and contactable.
All concerns raised will be treated in confidence and every effort will be made to avoid revealing the identity of the individual who raises the concern if that is their wish. CMCM assures all whistleblowers that they will receive protection against retaliation to the extent possible within CMCM’s control, should they make a report in good faith.
Approved by:
Local-Board of Group Management
13th March 2023